First Visit

Step 1: Patient Forms

As you step into our office, you'll be warmly greeted by our front desk associate, who will guide you through the check-in process. If you haven't completed the necessary paperwork online, we provide a comfortable waiting area where you can conveniently fill it out. To expedite your first visit, we encourage you to submit the paperwork ahead of time. Additionally, it's beneficial to bring any recent diagnostic images, reports, or other relevant healthcare files from the past year. Our goal is to streamline your experience and ensure that we have all the information needed to provide you with exceptional care.

Step 2: Consultation

Following that, you'll engage in a consultation with Dr. Cameron, during which you'll have the opportunity to discuss the purpose of your visit. This crucial step allows the doctor to assess whether chiropractic care is appropriate for your specific case and if Rejuvenation Chiropractic is the right fit for you. We value open communication and want to ensure that we fully understand your needs to provide the best possible care.

Step 3: Examination

If our assessment indicates that we can assist you and you choose to move forward with our office, Dr. Cameron will conduct a comprehensive evaluation encompassing  neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical examinations. This thorough work-up allows us to pinpoint the underlying cause of your concern and develop a targeted treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Our commitment is to unravel the root of the problem and provide effective solutions to help you regain optimal health and well-being.

Step 4: X-Ray Studies

Based on your unique health history and condition, it may be advisable for us to recommend X-rays. These diagnostic images play a crucial role in formulating a highly effective treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs, while also enabling us to identify any significant spinal conditions. It can be truly eye-opening for individuals to see their X-rays up close, often leading to a deeper understanding of their misalignments and degenerative issues. We strive to empower our patients with knowledge about their own health, fostering an active role in their healing journey.

Step 5: Report of Findings

After gathering all the necessary information and completing the examinations, Dr. Cameron will promptly follow up with you to discuss his findings and provide answers to important questions, including:

What is the nature of the issue?
Can it be effectively treated, and if so, how?
What is the expected duration of the treatment process?
What are the estimated costs associated with your treatment?

Following a comprehensive review of your health history, goals, as well as a thorough examination of your spine and any relevant X-rays, Dr. Cameron will engage in a detailed conversation to present his recommendations. If your condition requires care from other healthcare providers, he will inform you accordingly. Rest assured, we are committed to offering you the best possible treatment and designing a personalized wellness program that caters to your specific needs.

Step 6: Wellness Program

At our office, we welcome numerous patients who seek wellness care as a primary goal. This approach is akin to caring for the teeth in your mouth. Once your spine has been successfully treated, and you experience optimal well-being and functionality, it becomes essential to preserve that correction. Similar to maintaining good dental hygiene, a significant portion of the care can be self-administered at home, on your own time. However, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the ongoing health and proper mobility of your spine. Our wellness programs are specifically designed to uphold correct spinal movement and alignment, minimize the risk of osteoarthritis and disc degeneration, and preserve the optimal function and sensation of your nervous system.

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